Friday, September 14, 2012


From all of the issues that we can have with our hair, the most challenging perhaps is an overproduction of the natural hair oils, which can turn the hair into stringy, fatty, limp strands. The culprit sits right under your scalp at each hair follicle. The tiny oil production factories, called sebaceous glands, play an important role in keeping our skin and hair lubricated and protected. Those glands are everywhere on our body except on the hands and the soles of the feet. The highest concentration however is in the face and on the scalp. The sebum is an oily, waxy substance that does many wonderful things for us, but at times it can get out of hand. Acne is one consequence of hyperactive sebaceous glands and oily hair is another very visible and disturbing demonstration of their power.

  So what is it that makes those glands lose their temper and begin to produce more sebum than needed?

The causes have various roots – genetics, diet, hygiene and in some cases there is an underlying illness.

Some people are more prone to get acne and the same applies to oily hair. It is also said that fine haired men and women, who have more individual hairs per square inch – therefore more follicles and sebaceous glands, tend to have oily hair more often. The reason for this might also be the fact that fine hair becomes limp much quicker than thick, bristly hair and every disorder of the scalp becomes visible much quicker.

One of the biggest mistakes that sufferers with oily hair often make is to wash their hair as often as they can to get rid of the oils and to clean the scalp. In fact it is a dry scalp that causes the little glands to produce more oil. A dry scalp, just like dry skin can be caused by harsh weather conditions like intense heat, much exposure to the sun, drying winds or to extreme cold.

Washing the hair not often enough is also damaging, since bacteria and toxins can build up and cause an irritation of the scalp, resulting in a higher production of sebum. Over time this can lead to more severe conditions, which may include fungi and infections.

When very greasy hair goes along with thick, dandruff like scales it could be a medical condition like seborrhoeic dermatitis, which should be looked at and treated by medical professionals since it can be a sign for an even more serious illness like Parkinson’s or even HIV.

How to get rid of oily hair?

First of all you have to make sure that the reason for your oily hair is not a medical condition. This out of the way, there are plenty of products and adjustments to your lifestyle that will help.

Nutrition is key

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Most people do not get enough of daily liquid. Make sure to drink plenty of water to keep your skin and your scalp moisturized from the inside and to stay healthy. Remember: a dry scalp tends to produce more oil.

Eat your veggies. A balanced diet with lots of vegetables and whole grains will give you all the vitamins and minerals that you need for your body to work and look perfect.

Studies have shown that eating much greasy and junk foods will increase the development of oily hair. The other extreme to stay away from all oils and fats is not a solution. Our bodies need essential fatty acids to properly function and balance is the key once again. Include those healthy fats in your diet. Nuts, olive oil, certain fishes and fruits are full of them.


Receding Hair Lines
Everyone knows someone who is balding. Some are going bald gracefully, while others are fighting the process tooth and nail. Some buy wigs and toupees, and others invest in hair replacement surgery.

Adult Cradle Cap
Hair loss can be attributed by many reasons but few think of adult cradle cap.

A Guide to Anti Hair Loss Shampoos
For those experiencing a worrying amount of hair loss, applying an anti hair loss shampoo is often a first port of call.

Alopecia, abnormal hair loss, is commonly found in three forms: androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata and postpartum alopecia.

A Natural Solution to Hair Loss
There are a plethora of natural products available, all claiming to help cure hair loss and the anxiety it causes.

Can Hair Loss be Prevented?
Preventing hair loss from occurring would be to defy science and human nature. There are however, certain steps that can be taken.

Chemotherapy and Hair Loss
Chemotherapy works by killing rapidly dividing cells. Unfortunately also hair follicles will be affected.

Cold Cap
Technique to help women undergoing chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer to keep their hair.

Dealing with Hair Loss
For a person who is experiencing some degree of significant hair loss, these are basic choices to be made.

Female Hair Loss
Female pattern baldness or female androgenic alopecia involves a typical pattern of loss of hair in women.

Genetic Hair Loss: Treatments and Testing
Until very recently the only options for dealing with the hair loss caused by androgenic alopecia were acceptance or concealment.

Hair Loss and Diabetes
A sudden loss of hair is a common symptom of diabetes, and is often one of the first signs that prompt diabetes sufferers into seeking medical attention.

Hair Loss and the Benefits of Biotin
Biotin is a familiar component in the hair production process for follicles to remain vibrant and healthy.

Hair Loss Buying Guide For Men and Women
There are several hair loss treatments available, each with their own pros and cons. Side effects from some treatments may even include furthered hair loss.

The Truth about Hair Loss
Whilst there are many different factors which cause the hair to fall out at an increased rate, there are also several myths about baldness, which have absolutely no effect on the production of hair.

Tips to Prevent Hair Loss
Prevent hair loss and find the right solution to bring your hair back.

Hair Loss Concealers
Hair loss concealers to mask thinning hair and spray to cover bald spots.

Hair Loss Cures and Solutions
There are many natural and non-aggressive cures for hair loss. Here are some of the most effective hair loss cures.

Hair Loss in Teenagers and Adults
Severe hair loss is indiscriminating in age, ethnicity and gender and is a direct result of many different factors.

Hair Loss - Men vs. Women
It's perhaps the most dreaded event in many men's and women's lives: Hair Loss.

Hair Loss Q&A
Questions and answers about hair loss.

Hair Loss: The Facts
Some of the most common causes which disrupt hair production.

Hair Loss Treatments for Women
Women who experience hair loss at any time in their lives are left desperately searching for a cure, to conform to society’s desire to be beautiful.

Hair Loss Prevention Techniques
Whilst the leading cause of hair loss is hereditary, there are many other factors which influence and disrupt the hair growth cycle.

Losing Your Hair
If you are losing your hair, help is definitely at hand.

Menopausal Changes
Many women experience hair loss during menopause as a result of fluctuations of the major hormones of the body. Hormones also play a vital role in the proper growth of hair and other types of cells in the body

Provillus is a popular all-natural treatment for hair loss, made from blending a variety of nourishing nutrients.

Stress Can Cause Hair Loss
Hair loss can be stress related. Unfortunately, there isn’t any way to avoid stress in our lives.

The Best Hair Loss Products
There are literally hundreds of products available all claiming to prevent and cure hair loss and the misery it can cause.

The Causes of Female Hair Loss
There are many causes of hair loss within women, ranging from hormonal fluctuations, to psychological stress, to an over zealous use of hair products and styling methods.

Books about Hair Loss
Books with information about hair loss.

Cheryn International
Natural looking products for people who suffer with hairloss, eyelash and eyebrow loss. Two helpful books for sufferers of Trichotillomania, as well as family members.

What is the value of hair?
Can we put a value on hair? And if so, what would it be?


The Facts about Dandruff
Dandruff is probably one of the most common complaints people have with their hair and scalp. They have itching and flaking that shows up on any dark clothing. But what most people believe to be dandruff is actually just a matter of dry skin on the scalp. Actual dandruff IS common, but looks very different when you know what you are seeing.

Identifying Dandruff
      Unlike dry scalp flakes, which are generally small and powdery, dandruff flakes are larger and feel greasy as they are caked with sebum. In addition, dandruff is accompanied by intense itching and redness (inflammation of the scalp). It is important to be aware of this irritation because excessive scratching of the affected areas can lead to injury to the scalp and weeping sores and scabbing as they heal.

      Dandruff is often confused with the flaking and itching caused by other skin irritations – such as psoriasis. Yet while these share common symptoms, their causes are very different.

Dandruff Causes
      The exact causes of dandruff are a subject of much debate in the medical community. Recently, dandruff was reclassified as a form of seborrheic dermatitis. Previously it was believed to be caused by an overabundance of naturally-occurring yeasts in the scalp, called malesezia. Depending on who you listen to, dandruff has a variety of triggers and factors that can increase the severity of the condition.

Treatment for Dandruff
      Fortunately, dandruff can be controlled and the symptoms managed so that you can live without excessive trouble from the condition. Here are some simple guidelines:

    • Use a dandruff control shampoo daily until your symptoms abate and then use it less frequently (according to
      your need) in order to keep the symptoms under control. Usually, once the symptoms are under control, use of
      the dandruff shampoo once or twice a week is sufficient.

    • Keep the hair and scalp clean, and as dry as possible. Avoid letting perspiration and excess oils remain on the
      hair and scalp as these can be triggers for irritation. In the summer months, shower after periods of exercise
      or exertion that causes you to perspire in order to keep the hair and scalp clean.

    • As difficult as it may be, avoid scratching the affected areas. There are a number of over-the-counter
      medications to help control skin itching that are effective in helping manage dandruff itch. Just keep in mind
      that the risk of wounding the scalp and causing infection are sufficient to merit exerting as much self-control
      as possible.


Q: Once the hair is straightened, how do you take care of your hair? i.e. What products do you use? Do you continue to use a blow dryer or does your hair dry naturally? Can you go to a spa and use their steam room like a day or two after this process is done? What can or can’t I do?

A: Well, what you can and can’t do with newly straightened hair depends entirely on what kind of straightening process you’ve had.

      If you’re just referring to having your hair blown dry and flat ironed to be straight, then your hair is going to revert back to its normal wave pattern as soon as it is exposed to moisture and/or heat. However, I presume you are referring to a more permanent straightening process.

      In this case, there are two possibilities. The first is that you have had a thio or hydroxide straightening process. These straightening processes are “permanent” in that the hair will stay mostly straight, but may need some extra smoothing (such as with a flat iron) to look perfectly flat after shampooing and drying. You can blow dry the hair if desired, or leave it to dry naturally. With both of these methods, you want to make sure to condition your hair every day – even if you don’t shampoo it. These techniques tend to leave the hair a little more porous and therefore they need extra moisturizing and protection when being blown dry or heat styled.

      You should also know that if you have had a thio straightening process, you can simply re-perm the hair to restore curl when and if you desire. With hydroxide straightening, the chemical side bonds of the hair have been permanently broken and the hair cannot be repermed to restore the curl (in fact, to do so will destroy the hair). You can, however, use curling irons, hot rollers and wet roller sets to give the hair temporary curl. (You can also do this with thio straightened hair.)

      For the thio and hydroxide straightened hair, a gentle, moisture-rich shampoo and rich, moisturizing conditioner are important to help keep the hair moisturized. Spending time in a steam room will present no hazards, but you may find that your hair gets a little frizzy in the high heat and humidity of that environment.

      If you are referring to the Japanese Hair Straightening, or Thermal Reconstruction, you can literally do anything you want and not worry about your hair staying straight. You can blow dry it, and will probably find that the hair dries faster than before because there is less penetration by moisture into the hair shaft. For the thermal reconstructed hair, use the shampoo and conditioner products recommended by the stylist who performed your process.

      Visiting a steam room presents no problems in this case either, and you shouldn’t even see any physical change in the hair from the heat or humidity. According to the creators of the process, you can restyle the hair with temporary curls as desired, or even perm the hair after the process (but given the high cost of the process, this would seem to be a strange thing to do).

      The rest is common sense. Be cautious with heat styling, and avoid things that might damage the hair, even if it were untreated.


If you dread trips to the barbershop and cringe every time you pass a mirror, there’s a pretty good chance you’re concerned about hair loss. Whether you’re starting to see strands of your hair at the bottom of your shower or are just worried that your thick head of hair won’t last forever, there are helpful foods that prevent hair loss. You may be, however, genetically predisposed to hair loss, and if that’s the case, there’s not much you can do but keep your fingers crossed. Making sure certain foods are in your diet will help keep your scalp healthy, happy and, hopefully, hairy. Here are some foods that prevent hair loss, which means you need to stock up.
Fish, eggs and beans
Hair is primarily made of protein and, therefore, it makes sense to eat a protein-rich diet if you’re trying to maintain your healthy hair. However, eating a steak every day isn’t going to help you. High-fat diets will result in increased testosterone levels, which has been linked to hair loss -- so steaks are not among the foods that prevent hair loss. Stick to leaner proteins such as fish (which has a myriad of health benefits beyond just maintaining your hair), chicken, calf’s liver, brewer’s yeast, low-fat cheese, eggs, almonds, beans, and yogurt. Soy milk and tofu are also smart to add to your diet because they are high in protein and low in bad fats.
Iron plays a key role in manufacturing hemoglobin, the part of the blood that carries oxygen to your body’s organs and tissues. When your hemoglobin is at a healthy level, oxygen is properly dispersed. This means your scalp is getting a good flow of blood, which will stimulate and promote hair growth. Adding more iron to your diet doesn’t mean you have to feast on liver day in, day out, but when you’re craving something sweet, remember that dried fruits (like raisins) and cherry juice are packed with iron. Eggs; dates; raisins; dark green, leafy vegetables such as kale; and whole-grain cereals are all high in iron. Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron, so fruits such as oranges, strawberries and lemons should be on your grocery list of foods that prevent hair loss.
Bean sprouts
Silica may not be a word you commonly hear associated with diet (or foods that prevent hair loss, for that matter). If you’re looking to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss, however, silica will need to be on your menu. The body uses silica to help it absorb vitamins and minerals; if you’re not consuming silica, eating your vitamins might not be helping much. Silica can be found in bean sprouts and the skin of cucumbers, red and green peppers, and potatoes. Remember, when you eat these foods raw, as opposed to cooked, you’re getting more nutritional value out of them.

If you want to keep it, you’d be wise to eat foods that prevent hair loss


Many men who suffer from hair loss are found to have zinc deficiencies. Zinc plays a key role in many of the body’s functions, from cell reproduction to hormonal balance, and all these functions affect hair growth. Perhaps most importantly, zinc manages the glands that attach to your hair follicles. When you’re low on zinc, these follicles become weak, causing strands to break off or fall out. To combat this problem, eat zinc-heavy foods such as red meats, poultry, mussels, shrimp, nuts, and oysters. Excessive amounts of zinc can eventually lead to hair loss, so it’s best to stick to a zinc-heavy diet rather than eat these foods and take a zinc supplement.


It may be tempting to eat fast food, but greasy foods are among the worst culprits for hair loss. If you have a craving for a burger and fries, your best bet is to cook the burger yourself and dice, season and bake some potato wedges (leaving the skins on) to go along with it. Try to limit your intake of excessively cold, spicy and sugary foods as well. These can tax your body, and when your body’s fighting something unhealthy, it’s not functioning at its peak level.

a balanced diet

Just as your overall health will benefit from eating a balanced diet, so too should the health of your hair. Once it’s gone, it’s gone, so don’t put foods in your body that speed up hair loss. You may be experiencing a thinning on top already, but you can counteract this (or at least slow it down) by eating from every food group daily -- concentrating on foods that are rich in protein, iron, silica, and zinc.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Perming is a chemical process used to change the shape of hair permanently.
The hair is sectioned and wrapped with curling rods. The two most common types of rods are straight and concave; each giving a different curl effect.
The chemical phase causes the permanent wave or curl.
Perming is a three step chemical process:
  1. 1. Softening
  2. 2. Moulding
  3. 3. Fixing

Softening:  Stage one the hair is softened by the perm lotion
Moulding: Stage two the lotion causes the hair to take a new shape according to the perm rods around which the hair is wound.
Fixing: Stage three the neutraliser reforms the hair into its new shape.
Perm rods are available in many different sizes. They are color coded to easily recognise the size you need. The smaller the perm rod, the smaller and tighter the curl. A medium rod for medium curls and large perm rods for bigger, softer  waves.
The perming process breaks the bonds within the hair structure. This softening effect allows the hair to take on the new shape. This softening and moulding is the most crucial stage of the perming process. If the processing time is too short the hair will not take on the new shape. And if the processing time is too long, the bonding will totally break down the hair and dissolve the  hair, leaving it damage, dry, brittle and frizzy. It is therefore important to follow manufacturer directions.
Perm Timing
The length of time the perm lotion is left on depends on:
Manufacturer’s Instructions. Always read instructions. If the hair is not processed long enough the bonds will re-join and the hair may be left weak and the hair will be straight. And if the hair is processed too long, the hair will be frizzy, damage and the hair will easily break.
The Porosity of the Hair. The more porous the hair the quicker the perming process.
The Room Temperature – heat speeds up the chemical reaction, so warmer weather and a heated room and a hood dryer will speed up the process.
Body Heat. If the head is covered the perm will process quicker.
The Strength of the Perm Lotion. Alkaline Perms process quicker than acid perms.
The PH level of the perm lotion. The higher the PH level the quicker the perming process is activated.
Monitor Perm Development. Hair condition, heat and texture all play a role in the development time. Set a timer and check the development. After sufficient development time, carefully unwind a perm rod on either side of the head. Gently push the rod toward the scalp to check whether an “S” shape has developed.
The neutralising process will stop any further development of the perm lotion. The neutraliser bonds the hair into the new curled shaped.


If you are tired of your curly locks, hair straightening is a hair styling process that you can resort to. Chemical hair straightening is also called relaxing. This process of hair straightening changes the basic structure of the wavy hair. Chemical hair straightening is best carried out by a professional who is thoroughly conversant with the process as well as one who has a proven track record of success with hair straightening. It is advisable to get a strand test done before embarking on the hair straightening process. This test would reveal the hair texture, porosity and elasticity which would aid the hair stylist in deciding on the strength of the hair straightening relaxer that would need to be used. A hair strand test will also guide the hair straightening stylist as to whether to use a conditioner-filler on the hair before applying the chemicals or whether a base petroleum protection layer is needed. A hair strand test to be undertaken before the hair straightening process could follow either of these methods:
  • Pulling the hair to decide on its degree of elasticity
  • Finger test
  • Applying a small amount of relaxer to determine the hair reactions.
Hair straightening process also depends on the hair type. Fine chemically lightened or colored hair could do with a mild relaxer formula whereas normal and medium textured hair can withstand regular strength relaxers. Coarse hair would need stronger relaxers so as to achieve hair straightening to the degree required. The chemical products used in the hair straightening process include:
  • Relaxer formula
  • Neutralizer
  • Petroleum cream
  • Special shampoo
  • Hair relaxing conditioner
Hair Straightening Process:
  1. A protective petroleum cream is generally applied on the hair and scalp if the hair is damaged or has been subjected to chemical treatment already.
  2. Hair relaxer formula is then applied. This chemical is what straightens out the hair texture.
  3. After the appropriate time limit, the relaxer is rinsed out of the hair with warm water and shampoo.
  4. A neutralizing formula is later applied to the hair to oxide it and restore its pH balance. This halts the effect of the relaxer.
  5. A conditioner, either cream or liquid, is then applied to the hair, depending on its condition.
Overly curly hair or damaged hair may need special attention when going in for hair straightening. Such hair may need to be conditioned before the relaxer is applied. Severely damaged hair is best left alone to recover before embarking on a hair straightening treatment. Instead, regular conditioning and care would go a long way in restoring it to its earlier texture.
Hair Straightening Chemicals
Sodium Hydroxide is the strongest of the relaxers and can give the most dramatic results for hair straightening. This hair straightening chemical is caustic in nature and will soften the hair fibers and cause it to swell too. When this hair straightening chemical is applied, it penetrates the cortical layer and breaks the cross bonds. It seeps to the inner layer of the hair shaft that provides the strength, elasticity and shape for curly hair. A sodium hydroxide solution of about 5 – 10 % will be appropriate for hair straightening. Anything stronger may cause harm to the hair on account of its high alkaline content.
Guanine Hydroxide is a hair straightening chemical of lesser intensity. A conditioning treatment for the hair prior to use of this hair straightening chemical is advised.
Ammonium Thioglycolate acts differently as in it causes a change to the hair’s cystine linkage. With a pH of around 9.5, this hair straightening chemical is available in cream or gel form and is generally preceded by a hair softener.
Precautions while undergoing Hair Straightening Treatments
A protective base of petroleum cream is generally applied to the scalp and areas of the hair that have been subject to straightening before. Apply a protective cream around the hairline and over the ear to avoid any allergic reactions. The hair straightening relaxer must not be allowed to come into contact with sores or abrasions. Avoid combing through the hair when the hair straightening treatment is in process. Since hair straightening involves changes in the hair’s natural elasticity, combing might make it stretch and break.
Post Hair Straightening Treatment
Special ongoing care and treatment is essential to maintain the effects of hair straightening. Newly straightened hair must not be allowed to become brittle and stiff. Hair that has been subjected to hair straightening treatment is more porous and has a tendency to become duller in appearance. Proper shampooing and rinsing is necessary to prevent this. Use of deep conditioning and detangling products is recommended so as to smoothen out the hair and prevent damage to the hair cuticle. Limit the use of hot blow dryers and styling tools. Remember that hair straightening must be followed up with extra special aftercare.
Revolutionary Hair Straightening System – Bio Ionic System
A revolutionary treatment in the retexture of hair is the Ion-Retexturing system also known as Thermal Reconditioning. This treatment aims at effectively straightening all hair types sans the damage that can be caused by conventional hair straightening techniques. This breakthrough hair straightening technique works at allowing natural negative ions to break water molecule clusters into micro particles thus allowing the formula to penetrate the hair shaft. In this way, the hair is straightened without breaking its internal structure. With this Ion hair straightening system, you can eliminate the use of Sodium Hydroxide or Guanidine Hydroxide.
This formula is to be used along with an Ion-Retexturing Iron that delivers natural negative ions to the hair. With this system, the hair shaft is well hydrated thus improving the tensile strength of the hair and leaving it retextured and rejuvenated.